+91 7036696970, +1 (919) 969-3646, info@carytek.com


Empowering digital revolution in the banking sector


The banking industry is witnessing unparalleled change forces because of fierce competition, fast-changing customer needs, and strict regulations. That is why all the financial institutions are currently implementing the best banking digital services to improve their functionality, ensure regulatory compliance, and gain customer loyalty.

Carytek has been the trusted technology partner for many central and mid-sized banking organizations who want to leverage our technical and domain expertise at various stages of their project lifecycle. We cover a wide range of business areas such as core banking, loans and financing, multi-channel banking, tax, trade finance, risk, and governance..

We have partnered with the best in class technology vendors to provide rich end-user solutions to every banking organization we are working with. Our tools, preparatory frameworks, and platforms help us deliver quality banking IT solutions to our customers..


Online Banking UX/UI solutions
Custom Mobile banking app
Core Banking systems
Text Message Mobile Banking
Mobile Banking
Core API Integrations
Banking application dev
Third party Integrations
Chat Room support

CaryTek Highlights to
achieve your Insurance

  • Our banking solutions enable new product development, better market infrastructure, and the right techniques to control the risks.
  • We help you to take better decisions and act quickly during critical times.
  • We offer you accurate business insights to take real time decisions.
  • Carytek services benefit you in fraud detection, risk qualification, planning, forecasting and market sentiment analysis.
  • We help to extend your market geographically, being a medium for delivery of your banking products and services
  • We help to access, process and store all the information electronically so that you can access them anytime and from anywhere.

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